茶分类:classification of tea
绿茶:green tea -- unfermented tea
乌龙茶:Oolong tea -- semi-fermented tea
红茶:black tea -- fully fermented tea
黑茶: dark tea -- post fermented tea
黄茶:yellow tea
白茶white tea
茶叶冲泡:tea brewing
Three important:
(茶量) tea amount : depending on the tea type
(水温) water temperature:unfermented gerrn teas such as Longjing (dragon well)--75℃
(时间)timing (according to personal taste , steep longer if one wants a stonger taste)
温润泡: the warm up brew is to loosen up the tea leaves and the flavor can be released gradually. and we should drain it off immediately to prevent form the lost of ingredients.
茶叶外形:shape of the tea
如:It has the shape of sword blades.
It has the shape of a spiral roll.
茶叶香气 …… has a ……smell
如:this tea has the smell of bean blossom.(这茶闻起来有豆花香)
兰花香:orchid fragrance
天然兰花香:natural floral sent / aroma
香味很纯:…… has a pure fragrance
苦的 bitter 涩的 astringent 鲜的 fresh 甜的sweet
爽口 brisk 温和tender 甘醇的mellow 有陈味的stale